2014 Workplace Trends

entrepreneur-internet-marketingMost of us spend about 2,000 hours a year in the workplace. Not only does this time provide insight into our identities and how we coexist with others, but it also provides the foundation for how we learn to overcome and solve problems. When workplaces across the country are identified, classified, and studied, the emergence of certain norms and trends can provide a glimpse into how our attitudes are evolving from a societal perspective. From a Jaycee perspective, there is an understanding of the value of working together and collaborating for the common good that transcends traditional workplace barriers and internal competition. Often times ahead of the curve, it’s interesting to look at current trends within organizations to understand how the Jaycee model, and ultimately, individual Jaycees can support and reinforce a positive work environment.

Jodi Williams from global design firm RTKL recently examined some of the top workplace trends in 2014, and shared some interesting results. You can find the full article here. Below are the highlights of her analysis.

  1. Continuation of the great mobility debate. While work from home may be good for some employees and some organizations, it’s not for everyone. Employees are generally more favorable to the idea than management, and companies will continue to experiment to find the right balance between remote and on-site employment.
  2. Continuing evolution of collaborative environments. Design of workspace will play a larger role in encouraging improved communication and collaboration between internal and external teams. For example, recent trends demonstrate the need for fewer large conference rooms that hold 12+ individuals, in favor of more, smaller conference or work rooms that hold 4-6 people.
  3. The brain drain really occurs. Yes, Baby Boomers are finally starting to retire…and mean it this time. Health, wellness, and quality of life considerations are trumping the desire to stay working, and the impact is a changing face of management. This change in people is also fostering a change in attitudes, especially regarding working in teams. As the workforce gets younger, the expectation of collaboration increases.
  4. Seamless integration of technology. As individual employees become more mobile, and workplaces designed for more collaborative efforts, there is a definite expectation that organizations will provide the right technological tools in the right space to offer the highest chance for success.
  5. Greater emphasis on employee engagement. Rather than handing new employees the company manual and expecting them to bring themselves up to speed, recent trends demonstrate a hands-on approach by management and human resources to encourage more in-depth training, continuing education, and shared planning by employees and management to improve internal communication, and ultimately, results.

With Jaycee experiences providing a familiarity with teamwork and collaborative efforts, it’s great to see the professional world catching up with us! What trends are you noticing in your workplace, and how has the Jaycees helped prepare you for success in your chosen field? Take a look at the experiences of other Jaycees on our Facebook and Twitter pages and then share your stories. Help fellow Jaycees make a positive impact in their organizations by understanding what worked well for others!

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